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You might want to check out some of the following web hosting service providers in your search for an excellent and affordable web hosting source for your business. Apollo hosting is an extremely low cost web hosting provider that might be ideal for your small business needs if you have little need of bandwidth or disk space (they offer 3 GB of disk space and only 100 GB of bandwidth at the moment). You do get a nice control panel of your very own with Apollo but they do not make guarantees for uptime either. Apollo hosting is better for those businesses who have small budget web hosting needs and are able to handle their own technical issues.
Offering 1 TB of disk space to customers as well as unlimited bandwidth, Dot5 web hosting is the exact opposite of Apollo. For even more goodwill by a web hosting company, Dot5 gives a free site builder to their customers. This may be the best small business web hosting company you will find for your business.
If you have needs along the lines of Windows web hosting, adult web hosting, Linux web hosting, or dedicated web hosting, APlus Hosting has a solution. Not only do you receive the great features above but you also get 3 free domains, 2.5 TB of bandwidth, and 190 gigs of disk space with this web hosting plan. It's not really surprising that APlus Hosting is generally at the top of web hosting reviews.
If you really want to explore all of your business web hosting options you will also want to check out PowWeb web hosting. Unlimited disk space and bandwidth are not all you get when your purchase web hosting from PowWeb web hosting; you also get a free web site creation tool and a free domain name. PowWeb hosting can meet all of your basic web hosting needs as well as your more advanced ecommerce web hosting needs nicely.
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